The “Quota” is a Quest for Power

Saturday of the Third Week of Easter  “Does this shock you?”  Jn 6:61 It is a time to help all our brothers and sisters to blossom as children of God, we do this by serving the spiritual and material needs of each other. Bishop Patrick J. Zurek

Quota (Results) vs. Pledges (Fruitfulness)

Thursday of the Third Week of Easter Jesus said to the crowds: “No one can…Everyone who…Not that anyone has…except the one“ Jn 6:44-46 In recent homilies Bishop Zurek has made it clear that the standard for love and unity in our diocese should be the encyclical of Pope Francis, Fratelli Tutti. Today, let’s reflect onContinue reading “Quota (Results) vs. Pledges (Fruitfulness)”

Bishop Zurek’s Deepest Desire

Friday of the Second Week of Easter He is both the Bread of life and the dew of the Holy Spirit that together nourish man’s deepest hopes and desires. Bishop Patrick J. Zurek Chapter 5 A BETTER KIND OF POLITICS THE EXCERCISE OF POLITICAL LOVE Sacrifices born of love The Following Reflection is Based onContinue reading “Bishop Zurek’s Deepest Desire”

Love or Passivity

Wednesday of the Second Week of Easter so that his works may be clearly seen as done in God. Jn 3:21 Chapter 5 A BETTER KIND OF POLITICS THE EXCERCISE OF POLITICAL LOVE Sacrifices born of love 187. This charity, which is the spiritual heart of politics, is always a preferential love shown to thoseContinue reading “Love or Passivity”